Central-European Religious Freedom Institute (in further text Institute) is a non-profit organization registered in Budapest, Hungary, and it is opened to people of all religions as well as to atheists and agnostics. The purposes and goals of the Institute are to encourage inter-religious cooperation and dialogue, to promote, preserve and protect religious freedom and human rights as given in International Declaration on Human Rights, to cooperate and exchange experiences with organizations and like minded individuals and groups.
EASTERN EUROPEAN FORUM FOR DIALOGUE – “BRIDGES” is a non-governmental organization, that brings together people of faith from different religious traditions represented in Bulgaria. The Forum will serve as a platform for dialogue – interreligious, intercultural and for interdisciplinary debates as well.
This blog seeks to promote the vision found in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, alone or in community with others, and, in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
Gerard Noodt Foundation is a non-partisan, policy-relevant actor, stimulating research, debate, and policy development in support of the effective realization of freedom of religion or belief and matters of conscience.
HRWF Int'l is one of the most active NGOs promoting human rights at the European Parliament and in other EU institutions. HRWF is also very active at the UN in Geneva, at the OSCE in Warsaw and Vienna.
HRWF promotes norm implementation by pressuring target actors to adopt better policies and by monitoring compliance with international standards.
HRWF promotes norm implementation by pressuring target actors to adopt better policies and by monitoring compliance with international standards.
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Plus de 100 ONG et personnalités écrivent aux parlementaires au sujet de la lois sur les sectes
More than 100 NGOs and personalities write to French Parliamentarians about the law on cults
Lettre de Petar Gramatikov sur le projet de loi "dérives sectaires" en France
- Rev. Petar Gramatikoff
- Rev. Petar Gramatikoff
France : analyse du projet de loi visant à renforcer les dérives sectaires
- Rev. Petar Gramatikoff
Why FECRIS should be held responsible for its Russian members activities
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